Trane’s World: Reinvented

Back in May 2009, HR called me into the office and informed me that I was earning too much money. They thought that I should leave. The conversation took place on a Friday afternoon, about 40 minutes before I was leaving for the weekend. I thought about it until Monday and agreed that I should go. After all, I figured that any company that really wants you to leave will find ways of encouraging just that. After 14 years with The Company, it was over.

After leaving the company in June 2009, I moved from Japan to Colorado, got divorced, moved back to Japan and subsequently got busy with growing two different independent companies. The following pages are about me rediscovering who I am. It’s been no small journey. It’s been a bit scary at times and maybe even a bit painful. Growth, however, no matter how it comes, is always a good thing.

Will you walk with me on my journey for a while?

Greetings and Salutations from the Lunatic Fringe

Trane Francks

Tel: xxx-xxxx-xxxx

Current Interests

Ruby on Rails
All things OS X

Music: playing, mixing and mastering